Извините, регистрация закрыта. Возможно, на событие уже зарегистрировалось слишком много человек, либо истек срок регистрации. Подробности Вы можете узнать у организаторов события.
Растин Заркар, аспирант и активист из Нью-Йорка, поделится, как прошёл первый год с Трампом и как ему противостоит гражданское общество в США. Язык встречи — английский.
It has been more than year since the inauguration of Donald Trump. Since then, Trump has been plagued by criminal investigations, resignations of key officials, and a number of diplomatic blunders, leading many media pundits to believe that his administration is in jeopardy. However, Trump and his conservative allies have successfully passed key legislation and executive orders that have targeted immigrant and marginalized communities, cut welfare and social services, removed environmental protection laws, and increased inequality through union-busting and tax codes favoring the wealthy.
This talk will not only highlight contemporary issues facing American society, but will also discuss the various ways our communities have resisted and fought back against these dangerous policies.
Rustin Zarkar is a New York-based journalist, activist, and PhD candidate focusing on social history and urbanism. He is an editor for Ajam Media Collective, an online platform covering politics and culture in Iran, Caucasus, and Central Asia. He is also the co-founder of the Mehelle project, a digital urban mapping initiative which documents gentrification, displacement, and state-led beautification initiatives in cities across Eurasia.